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Il negozio
title image

speakerIlthe negoziostore

headspeakerBuon giornogood morning!
headspeakerHai bisognodo you need di aiutohelp?
The store employee is asking the man if he needs help.
  • No, that's not right.
  • Yes, that's true.
headspeakeryes, per favoreplease! Ho bisognoI need diof vestiti nuovinew clothes.
Click on the option meaning "new clothes."
, ! di .
headspeakerDi cosa hai bisognowhat do you need?
headspeakerAbbiamowe have maglieshirts, giacchejackets…
Tap what you hear
headspeakerHo bisognoI need diof unaa giaccanew jacket nuova.
headspeakerMi piaceI like questathis giaccajacket!
What comes next?
headspeakeryes, èit's moltovery bellapretty.
  • giaccajacket
  • maglieshirts
  • bellapretty
headspeakerEand ho bisognoI need diof unaa maglia nuovanew shirt.
headspeakerPerfettoperfect! Perchéfor what (reason) hai bisognoyou need diof vestiti nuovinew clothes?
headspeakerPerfor unan colloquiointerview.
Why does the man need new clothes?
  • He lost all of his old clothes.
  • He has a date.
  • He has a job interview.
headspeakerDov'èwhere is ilthe colloquiointerview?
headspeakerNelin miomy negozio preferitofavorite store!
headspeakerIl tuo negozio preferitoyour favorite store?
headspeakeryes, questothis negoziostore!
Where is the man's job interview?
  • At a hospital.
  • At an office nearby.
  • At the store he was shopping in.
Tap the pairs