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La festa a scuola
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speakerLathe festa a scuolaschool party

speakerLa mamma di FabioFabio's mom vagoes nellato stanza di suo figlioher son's bedroom.
headspeakerAhAh……​ ciaohello, mammamom.
headspeakerFabio, stai beneare you OK?
Select the missing phrase
headspeakerC'èthere is unaa festaparty aat scuolaschool……​ conwith la musicamusic.
headspeakerChe bellothat's great! Seiare you emozionatoexcited?
headspeakerNoNo, non sonoI'm not emozionatoexcited.
headspeakerNon voglioI don't want ballareto dance di frontein front agliof altriothers!
Click on the option meaning "in front."
agli !
headspeakerMmm…​ HoI have un'ideaan idea.
headspeakerChewhat ideaidea?
What comes next?
headspeakerTi insegno ioI'll teach you ahow to dance ballare!
  • unaa festaparty
  • lethe personepeople
  • a ballarehow to dance
headspeakeryes! Quihere aat casahome!
headspeakerVa beneOK.
Tap what you hear
speakerFabio balladances conwith sua mammahis mom.
headspeakerMammamom, devi andareyou have to go allato the festaparty conwith meme!
headspeakerAlat tuoyour fiancoside…
headspeaker…​ sembra cheit seems iothat balliI moltodance benevery!well
When dancing with his mother, Fabio…
  • feels like he is a very good dancer.
  • feels like he can't dance.
  • thinks they can't dance together.
headspeakerOhOh, graziethank you!
headspeakerPerchébecause tuyou ballidance moltovery malebadly!
Why does Fabio want his mom to come to the party?
  • He thinks she's a great dancer, and they will have a lot of fun.
  • He thinks she's a bad dancer, so he will look good next to her.
  • He is afraid to go by himself.
Tap the pairs