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Nowy płaszcz
title image

speakerNowynew płaszczcoat

speakerWikramVikram jestis win sklepiestore.
speakerKobietawoman mówitalks doto niegohim.
headspeakerDzień dobrygood morning!
headspeakerDzień dobrygood morning.
headspeakerCzy pan tutaj pracujedo you work here?
A woman asks Vikram if he works at the store.
  • Yes, that's right.
  • No, that's wrong.
headspeakerIdealnieperfect! potrzebujęI need pomocyhelp.
Choose the option that means "help."
! .
headspeakerPotrzebujęI need nowegonew płaszczacoat.
headspeakerPodoba się panudo you like ten czerwonyred one?
The woman asks Vikram if he…
  • …wants a new coat.
  • …likes working at the store.
  • …likes the red coat.
headspeakerCzyor woliszyou prefer brązowybrown
headspeakerBrązowy płaszczbrown coat jestis wygodnycomfortable iand tanicheap.
headspeakerAlebut tenthe czerwonyred one jestis bardzovery ładnypretty.
headspeakerIand jestit's eleganckielegant!
Tap what you hear
headspeakerJestit's dlafor paniyou idealnyperfect!
headspeakerDobrzeOK. ChcęI want czerwonyred płaszczcoat!
headspeakerDziękujęthank you! Dobrzewell panyou wykonujedo swojąyour pracęjob!
What does the woman mean?
  • She thinks Vikram should get a new job.
  • She thinks Vikram is good at his job.
  • She thinks the red coat is ugly.
headspeakerIand jakhow zapłacićto pay?
headspeakerNie wiemI don't know.
headspeakerNieI don't pracujęwork tuhere.
What happened in the story?
  • A woman gave Vikram a job at the store.
  • A woman thought Vikram worked at the store.
  • A woman helped Vikram buy a new hat.
Tap the pairs