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headspeakerTatodad, mamI have pytaniea.question
headspeakerPrzepraszamI'm sorry, JuniorJunior jestemI am zajętybusy.
headspeakerJestthere is ważnyimportant mecz piłki nożnejsoccer game won telewizjiTV.
headspeakerTakyes! Takyes! Takyes!
Junior's dad is cheering for the soccer team on TV.
  • Yes, that's right.
  • No, that's wrong.
headspeakerAlebut potrzebujęI need pieniędzymoney.
Why is Junior surprised?
  • He thinks his dad agreed to give him money.
  • His favorite soccer team is losing.
  • He found money on the floor.
headspeakerPotrzebujęI need pieniędzymoney nafor pizzępizza.
headspeakerDobrzegood! Takgo! Takgo!
headspeakerIand chcęI want nowąnew grę komputerąvideo game
Junior wants a new…
  • …video game
  • …dad.
  • …dog.
headspeakerIand jutrotomorrow nie idęI'm not going doto szkołyschool.
Junior doesn't want to…
  • …go to school today.
  • …go to school tomorrow.
  • …go to work tomorrow.
headspeakerTakyes! Idealnieperfect!
headspeakerŁałwow, jak łatwohow easy!
headspeakerIdęI'm going doto sklepustore!
headspeakerTakyes! Takyes! Takyes!
headspeakerPabye, Tatodad!
headspeakerPrzepraszamI'm sorry, JuniorJunior.
headspeakerTo jestit's bardzovery dobrygood meczgame!
headspeakerJuniorJunior? Czegowhat potrzebujeszdo you need?
headspeakerJuniorJunior? Gdziewhere jesteśare you?
Junior's dad…
  • …took Junior to the mall to buy a new video game.
  • …never watches sports on TV.
  • …was so interested in the game that he didn't pay attention to Junior.
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