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speakerBeaBea iand LinLin idąare going doto restauracjirestaurant.
headspeakerTathis restauracjarestaurant jestis bardzovery ładnapretty!
headspeakerWszystkiegohappy najlepszegobirthday, BeaBea!!
It's Bea's birthday.
  • Yes, that's right.
  • No, that's wrong.
headspeakerDzień dobrygood morning!
headspeakerDzień dobrygood morning. MamI have rezerwacjęreservation dlafor dwóchtwo osóbpeople.
headspeakerNazywam sięmy name is LinLin.
headspeakerAhoh, Takyes.
Select the missing phrase
headspeakerPaniyour stółtable jestis tutajhere.
headspeakerIand tuhere jestis menumenu.
headspeakerTo jestit's bardzovery drogieexpensive, LinLin.
headspeakerCowhat chceszdo you want?
What is Bea asking Lin?
  • what she wants to eat
  • how old she is
  • if she likes the restaurant
headspeakerMmmhmm wezmęI'll take sałatkęsalad?
headspeakerStoone hundred Złotychzlotys zafor this sałatkęsalad?!
Choose the option meaning "one hundred."
headspeakerJaI chcęwant smacznątasty
headspeaker szklankęglass wodyof water.
headspeakerAand jaI chcęwant sałatkęsalad!
headspeakerIand bardzovery dużybig hamburgerhamburger!
headspeakerIand sokorange pomarańczowyjuice!
headspeakerWin taniejcheap restauracjirestaurant!
headspeakerBeaBea, to jestit's ważnyimportant dzieńday
Lin thinks that…
  • …The water tasted sour.
  • …Bea is lying about her birthday.
  • …celebrating Bea's birthday is important.
headspeakerTenthe dzieńday jestis ważnyimportant.
headspeakerAlebut nienot tathe restauracjarestaurant.
headspeakerIdealnieperfect... bobecause jestemI am bardzovery głodnahungry!
What happened?
  • Bea and Lin decided to go to a cheaper restaurant.
  • Bea and Lin went to Russia for her birthday.
  • Lin ate all the food because she was hungry.
Tap the pairs