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W Supermarkecie
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speakerWat Supermarkeciesupermarket

speakerLinLin jestis wat supermarkeciesupermarket zwith beąBea.
headspeakerNie chcęI don't want gotowaćto cook.
Lin can't wait to cook dinner.
  • No, that's wrong.
  • Yes, that's right.
headspeakerGotowaniecooking jestis bardzovery przyjemnefun, LinLin!
headspeakerJestemI am bardzovery zmęczonatired.
headspeakerCzydo chceszyou want jeśćto eat wat restauracjirestaurant, BeaBea?
Lin is tired, so she…
  • …wants to buy some coffee.
  • …wants to eat at a restaurant.
  • …wants to go to bed.
headspeakerNieno, jaI chcęwant gotowaćto cook!
headspeakerOKOK Czegowhat potrzebujemywe need dofor gotowaniacooking?
Choose the option that means "we need."
headspeakerPotrzebujemywe need makaronupasta!
speakerOnethey szukająlook for makaronupasta.
Select the missing phrase
headspeakerAchoh Makaronpasta jestis tutajhere.
headspeakerIand mywe teżalso potrzebujemyneed pomidoratomato.
Tap what you hear
speakerOnethey szukająlook for pomidoratomato.
headspeakerAchoh! Pomidortomato jestis tutajhere!
headspeakerPotrzebujemywe need teżalso warzywvegetables.
headspeakerAhhohh Iand mlekamilk...
headspeakerIand chlebabread...
headspeakerPotrzebujemywe need wielumany rzeczythings, BeaBea.
headspeakerTakyes, iand jestemI am bardzovery zmęczonatired.
headspeakerChceszyou want jeśćto eat wat restauracjirestaurant?
headspeakerTakyes, proszęplease!
Why did Bea agree to eat at a restaurant?
  • The supermarket was closed.
  • She was too tired to cook.
  • The supermarket didn't have any rice.
Tap the pairs