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speakerKoszykarzBasketball player

speakerWikramVikram iand PritiPriti idąare going na zakupyshopping.
headspeakerCowhat musimywe need kupićto buy win supermarkaciesupermarket?
headspeakerMusimywe need kupićto buy mlekomilk, ryżrice, jabłkaapples
headspeakerWikramVikram, Patrzlook! Toit's onhe!
headspeakerKtoWho? Gdziewhere?
headspeakerTamthere! jest(he) is twoimyour ulubionymfavorite koszykarzembasketball player
Whom does Priti see?
  • Vikram's favorite basketball player
  • her favorite baseball player
  • some people playing a game
headspeakerToIt nienot jestis onhe!
headspeakerTakyes, toit's onhim! Rozmawiajtalk zto nimhim!
headspeakerNieno, jestemI am zbyttoo zdenerwowanynervous!
Choose the option that means "nervous."
, !
headspeakerAlebut, WikramVikram Patrzlook!
Tap what you hear
headspeakerWyyou maciehave takie samesame butyshoes!
speakerKoszykarzbasketball player patrzylooks naat WikramaVikram iand PritiPriti.
headspeakerOoh nieno! PritiPriti, onhe patrzyis looking naat nasus!
Why is Vikram worried?
  • The basketball player can't see.
  • He can't see his shoes.
  • The basketball player is looking at them.
headspeakerTakyes! Orazand podchodzihe's coming tutajhere!
Select the missing phrase
headspeakerCowhat powinienem zrobićshould I do?!
headspeakerPorozmawiajtalk zto nimhim!
headspeakerMuszęI have to odejść(to) leave!
headspeakerKochamI love twojeyour butyshoes.
Why did the basketball player want to talk to Vikram?
  • He wants Vikram to join his team.
  • He wants Vikram to cook beans for him.
  • He and Vikram are wearing the same shoes.
Tap the pairs