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En ting
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speakerEnOne tingthing

speakerLucyLucy eris hjemmeat home medwith sither barnebarngranddaughter, LinLin.
headspeakerÅhOh, nejno. Jeg har brug forI need brødbread tilfor minmy sandwichsandwich.
headspeakerTager du tilAre you going to supermarkedetthe supermarket?
Lin and Lucy have a lot of bread.
  • Yes, that's right.
  • No, that's wrong.
headspeakerÅhOh. Jeg behøverI need enone tingthing frafrom supermarkedetthe supermarket!
headspeakerEnOne tomattomato, takplease.
Select the missing phrase
headspeakerDet erIt's tilfor min salatmy salad.
headspeakerTakThank you!
headspeakerÅhOh! OgAnd jeg vilI want ogsåalso have(to) have trethree æblerapples.
Choose the option that means "also."
Åh! jeg vil have .
headspeakerOgAnd appelsinjuiceorange juice
headspeakerOgAnd mælkmilk, takplease.
headspeakerHmmHmm jeg harI have enan idéidea.
Tap what you hear
headspeakerHerHere eris pengenethe money, LinLin.
headspeakerJegI vil havewant enone tingthing frafrom supermarkedetthe supermarket: brødbread.
Why did Lucy give Lin money?
  • Lin is opening a sandwich shop.
  • She wants Lin to go to the supermarket.
  • Lin is going to a restaurant for lunch.
Tap the pairs