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Klasa Taneczna
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speakerKlasa Tanecznadance class

speakerEddyEddy wchodzienters dointo klasyclass tanecznejof dancing Elianyof Eliana.
headspeakerWitamhello, wszystkicheveryone!
headspeakerKtowho ma ochotę nafeels like taniecdancing?
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headspeakerDziśtoday uczymy sięwe're going to learn nowychnew rzeczythings.
speakerEddyEddy wstajestands up iand idziewalks w stronętowards drzwidoor.
headspeakerDokąd(to) where panyou idzieare going?
headspeakerTaniecdancing jestis trochęa little strasznyscary.
headspeaker alebut jestit's bardzovery zabawnyfun!
headspeakerTakyes, alebut myślęI think, żethat to jestthis is błądmistake.
Choose the option that means "this is."
Tak, , błąd.
headspeakerNiech się pan nie boidon't be scared, toit's łatweeasy. Proszę spojrzećlook!
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speakerEddyEddy patrzywatches jakhow ElianaEliana tańczydances.
headspeakerTeraznow tańczyćdance zewith mnąme!
headspeakerTothis jestis bardzovery zabawnefun!
headspeakerCowhat myśli pando you think teraznow? Czy(question marker) tois jeszczestill pomyłkamistake?
Eliana wants to know…
  • …why Eddy is such a terrible dancer.
  • …if Eddy still thinks going to her class was a mistake.
  • …if Eddy wants to be a dance teacher.
headspeakerBobecause tothis nienot jestis mojamy klasaclass.
headspeakerAlebut jestit's bardziejmore zabawnafun niżthan klasa z gotowaniacooking class!
What was Eddy's mistake?
  • He didn't dance well.
  • He forgot to wear his dancing shoes.
  • He was supposed to go to a cooking class.
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