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speakerForfremmelsenThe promotion

speakerBeas chefBea's boss kommer for at talegoes to talk til hendeto her.
headspeakerGoddagHello, BeaBea. Har du et minutDo you have a minute til at taleto talk omabout ChristofferChristoffer?
headspeakerØhEh, jayes, selvfølgeligof course.
Select the missing phrase
headspeakerKan du lide at arbejdeDo you like working medwith hamhim?
headspeakerMedWith ChristofferChristoffer? ØhEh
headspeakerHanhe eris rarnice.
headspeakerMenBut hanhe, øheh
What comes next?
headspeakerChristofferChristoffer kommer altid for sentalways arrives too late, ogand jeg laveI have to do hans arbejdehis work!
  • hans arbejdehis work
  • hans senghis bed
  • hans frokosthis lunch
headspeakerHanHe fortæller migtells me, hvordanhow jeg bør gøreI have to do tingthings.
headspeakerOgAnd i sidste ugelast week spiste hanhe ate minmy frokostlunch!
Tap what you hear
headspeakerChristofferChristoffer eris denthe værsteworst.
headspeakerÅhOh jayes? OgAnd jegI tænkte at give hamthought about giving him ena forfremmelsepromotion.
Bea's boss was thinking about giving Christoffer a promotion.
  • No, that's wrong.
  • Yes, that's right.
headspeakerJobbetThe job eris in et andet kontoranother office, ogand vi skal findewe have to find den rigtige personthe right person.
headspeakerEtOne øjeblikmoment. Jobbetthe job eris in et andetanother kontoroffice?
headspeakerChristofferChristoffer eris perfektperfect!
headspeakerMenBut du sagdeyou said, atthat han varhe was denthe værsteworst.
Choose the option that means "you said."
, han var den .
headspeakerHvadWhat? Selvfølgelig ikkeOf course not!
headspeakerDuYou sagdesaid, atthat hanhe altidalways kommerarrives for senttoo late.
headspeakerØhEh, nejno! JegI sagdesaid, atthat hanhe aldrignever kommerarrives for sentlate.
headspeakerChristofferChristoffer eris denthe perfekte personperfect person tilfor dettethis jobjob iin detthe andetother kontoroffice!
Why does Bea want Christoffer to get a promotion?
  • She thinks he's an excellent employee.
  • She wants him to work in another office.
  • They are best friends.
Tap the pairs