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Junior Ćwiczenia
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speakerJuniorJunior Ćwiczeniaexercises

speakerJuniorJunior grais playing w gry wideavideo games.
headspeakerCzyDo chceszyou want zrobićto do trochęsome ćwiczeńexercise, JuniorJunior?
headspeakerNieno, chcęI want graćto play w gry wideavideo games.
Junior wants to exercise.
  • No, that's wrong.
  • Yes, that's right.
speakerEddyEddy mahas pomysłidea.
headspeakerCzyDo chceszyou want jechaćto go doto sklepustore zwith grami wideovideo games
headspeakerMożeszyou can poszukaćlook for mojegomy portfelawallet? Jest(it) is win moimmy pokojubedroom.
What's next?
speakerJuniorJunior biegnieruns poszukaćto look for portfelawallet.
  • portfelawallet
  • gry wideavideo game
  • sklepustore
headspeakerTuhere jest(it) is, Tatodad!
headspeakerOrazand możeszyou can iśćgo doto kuchnikitchen iand poszukać(to) look for moichmy kluczykeys?
Choose the option that means "keys."
Oraz możesz iść do i ?
speakerJuniorJunior biegaruns poszukaćto look for kluczykeys.
headspeakerMożemyWe can jużyet jechać(to) go?
headspeakerPotrzebujęI need mojejmy kurtkijacket.
headspeakerJest(it) is win mieszkanieapartment Wikramaof Vikram.
headspeakerAlebut WikramVikram mieszkalives naon ostatnimtop piętrzefloor
Wait… who lives on the top floor?
  • Vikram
  • Junior
  • Eddy
headspeakerProszęplease, JuniorJunior
speakerJuniorJunior wychodzileaves iand wracareturns zwith kurtkąjacket Eddy'egoof Eddy.
Junior leaves and then he comes back with…
  • …Eddy's jacket.
  • …Eddy's chair.
  • …a video game.
headspeakerIdealnieperfect! Możemywe can jechać(to) go
headspeakerAlebut jestemI am teraznow bardzovery zmęczonytired.
headspeakerDlaczegowhy? Zatoo dużomuch ćwiczeńexercise?
  • …tricked Junior into getting some exercise.
  • …gave Vikram his jacket.
  • …played video games with Junior.
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