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A l'estació!
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speakerAto l'estacióthe station!

speakerÓscarÓscar agafatakes una taxitaxi.
speakerLa seva amigahis friend, LinLin, condueixdrives elthe taxitaxi.
Lin is a passanger on the taxi that Oscar just got into.
  • Yes, that's right.
  • No, that's wrong.
headspeakerLinLin! Condueixesyou drive taxistaxis?
headspeakeryes! Ésit's la mevamy novanew feinajob!
Choose the option that means "job."
! !
headspeakerA onto where volsyou want anarto go?
headspeakerAto l'estacióthe station, si us plauplease!
headspeakerOnwhere ésis l'estacióthe station?
headspeakerNo ho I don't know.
Óscar doesn't know…
  • …where Lin wants to go.
  • …where to go.
  • …where the station is.
  • ...where he wants to go
headspeakerEstà OK...
speakerLinLin comença a conduirstarts driving.
Lin starts…
  • …singing.
  • …running.
  • …crying.
  • ...thinking.
  • ...driving.
headspeakerJaalready hi somhere we are!
headspeakerLinLin aixòthis no ésisn't l'estacióthe station. Aixòthis ésis lathe universitatuniversity.
speakerLinLin comença a conduirstarts driving.
headspeakerJaalready hi somhere we are!
Tap what you hear
headspeakerAixòthis ésis l'hospitalthe hospital.
speakerLinLin comença a conduirstarts driving de nouagain...
headspeakerJaalready hi somhere we are, ÓscarÓscar!
headspeakerLinLin, aixòthis no ésisn't l'estacióthe station
headspeakerHo I know, és(this) is el meumy apartamentapartment.
headspeakerNo vull(I) don't want conduirto drive taxistaxis.
headspeakerÉs(it) is unaa feina molt difícilvery difficult job.
speakerLinLin obreopens lathe portadoor delof the taxitaxi.
headspeakerBona nitgood night, ÓscarÓscar!
Oh no! Why did Lin decide to go home?
  • She thinks driving a taxi is too easy.
  • She thinks driving a taxi is stressful
  • She thinks driving a taxi is too cumbersome
  • She needed to pick up another passenger.
Tap the pairs