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speakerEddyEddy, Oscar'ınOscar's sınıfınato his classroom giderhe goes.
headspeakerMerhabahello, girebilir miyimmay I enter?
headspeakerBeş dakikayain five minutes resim sınıfımato my painting class ders anlatmamthat I teach lazımis required.
Oscar has to teach an art class in two hours.
  • No, that's wrong.
  • Yes, that's right.
headspeakerAmabut benI çokvery sıkıldımI am bored.
Select the missing phrase
headspeakerSeninyour dersinyour class yok mudon't (you) have?
headspeakerHayırno, sanato you yardım edebilirable to help miyimam I?
Tap what you hear
headspeakerÇünkübecause senyou benimmy en iyi arkadaşımsınyou are my best friend.
headspeakerAhoh, evetso?
headspeakerHımm hmm SanırımI think banato me yardım edebilirsinyou can help
headspeakerElbetteof course, arkadaşımmy friend!
headspeakerButhis sandalyeyeto the chair oturur musuncan you sit?
speakerEddyEddy otururhe sits down veand Oscar'ato Oscar bakarhe looks.
Choose the option that means "sits down."
ve .
headspeakerVeand sessizquiet olur musuncan you be?
headspeakerBir dakikayain one minute dersimmy class başlıyoris starting veand bir modeleto a model ihtiyacım varI need.
headspeakerModellermodels konuşmaz(they) don't talk.
headspeakerAmabut buthis sıkıcı(is) boring.
Why is Eddy still bored?
  • Oscar won't stop talking about work.
  • He doesn't like to read about art.
  • Oscar wants him to sit in a chair and be quiet.
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