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speakerGünlükthe diary

speakerZariZari veand LilyLily okuldalardırthey are at school.
headspeakerLilyLily, korkuyorumI am scared! Günlüğümümy diary bulamıyorumI cannot find!
headspeakerVe and Sorunthe problem newhat (is it)?
headspeakerGünlüğümdeto my diary MeteMete hakkındaabout yazıyorumI am writing!
Select the missing phrase
headspeakerMete miMete? Sınıfımızda olanthat is in our class çocukthe kid mu(is he)?
headspeakerEvetyes, günlüğümümy diary bulmayato find ihtiyacım varI need!
headspeakerAh ohh Tamamokay.
Tap what you hear
speakerOnlarthey günlüğüthe diary arar(they) look for.
headspeakerÜzgünümI am sorry, günlüğünüyour diary bulamıyorumI can't find.
headspeakerButhis, hayatımınof my life en kötü(is) the worst günüday of!
Choose the option that means "worst."
, !
speakerOnlarthey Mete'yiMete görür(they) see. Ohe pembepink bira günlükdiary taşıyordurhe (carries).
headspeakerHadi yaoh no! Şu Meteit (is) Mete veand günlüğümmy diary ondais on him!
Select the missing phrase
headspeakerSelamhello, ZariZari. Bu, günlüğün is this your diary?
headspeakerEh eh Hayırno!
headspeakerAmabut üzerindeon it adınyour name varthere is.
headspeakerEvetyes, buthis benim günlüğüm(is) my diary, ama but...
headspeakerMerak etmedon't worry, el yazınıyour handwriting okuyamıyorumI cannot read.
Mete tells Zari not to worry because he can't…
  • …sing very well.
  • …read her handwriting.
  • …speak German.
headspeakerAh oh Mükemmelperfect.
headspeakerEh eh Cuma günüon Friday benimlewith me sinemayato the movie theater gitmekto go ister misinwould you like?
headspeakerCuma günüon Friday görüşürüzsee you! Hoşça kalgoodbye!
headspeakerGüle gülegoodbye!
headspeakerLilyLily, buthis, hayatımınof my life en iyi(is) the best günüday of!
Whoa! Why does Zari say it's the best day of her life?
  • It's her birthday.
  • Mete bought her a new diary.
  • Mete asked her out.
Tap the pairs