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speakerΚαλημέραgood morning

headspeakerΚαλημέραgood morning, ΠρίτιPriti!
headspeakerΚαλημέραgood morning, αγάπη μουmy love.
headspeakerΠούwhere είναιare τα κλειδιά μουmy keys;
headspeakerΤα κλειδιά σουyour keys;
Priti can't find her keys.
  • Yes, that's right.
  • No, that's wrong.
headspeakerΝαιyes, πρέπει ναI have to πάωgo στηto δουλειάwork.
Tap what you hear
headspeakerΧρειάζομαιI need ταthe κλειδιάkeys τουof αυτοκινήτου μουmy car!
headspeakerΧαχαhaha! ΠρίτιPriti, τα κλειδιά σουyour keys είναιare εδώhere στοon the τραπέζιtable! Χαχαχαhahaha!
headspeakerΣυγγνώμηsorry, αγάπη μουmy love, είμαιI am κουρασμένηtired. ΔουλεύωI work πολύa lot!
Choose the option that means "tired".
, αγάπη μου, . πολύ!
headspeakerΘέλειςdo you want καφέcoffee;
headspeakerΝαιyes, ευχαριστώthank you!
headspeakerΟρίστεhere it is, αγάπη μουmy love.
headspeakerΠούwhere είναιis ηthe ζάχαρηsugar; Αoh, εδώhere είναιit is.
Hmm… what is Priti doing?
  • pouring her coffee on the table
  • putting sugar on her keys
  • looking for some sugar for her coffee
speakerΗ ΠρίτιPriti πίνειdrinks τονthe καφέcoffee.
headspeakerΕoh, όχιno!
headspeakerΑλάτιsalt είναιit is!
headspeakerΠρίτιPriti, είσαιyou are πολύvery κουρασμένηtired!
headspeakerΝαιyes, χρειάζομαιI need περισσότεροmore καφέcoffee μεwith ζάχαρηsugar, όχιnot αλάτιsalt!
Priti was so tired that…
  • …she fell asleep in the kitchen.
  • …she put salt in her coffee.
  • …she put her keys in her coffee.
Tap the pairs