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Junior'ın Doğum Günü
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speakerJunior'ınJunior's Doğum Günübirthday

speakerEddyEddy uyurkenwhile (he) sleeps JuniorJunior koşarakby running odasınato his room gelircomes.
headspeakerBabadad! Babadad!
headspeakerNewhat? Ahoh? Ahoh, günaydıngood morning JuniorJunior.
headspeakerDoğum günü partimmy birthday party içinfor çokvery heyecanlıyımI am excited!
headspeakerAhoh! Evet yes İyi ki doğdun happy birthday
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headspeakerJuniorJunior, ne türwhat kind of bira partiparty istiyorsundo you want?
headspeakerBilmiyorumI don't know!
headspeakerAmabut çikolatachocolate istiyorumI want! Çoka lot of çikolatachocolate!
headspeakerTamamokay, JuniorJunior! Buthis, seninyour doğum günün(is) your birthday!
headspeakerVeand babadad, çokvery büyükbig bira pastacake yapabilir miyizcan we make?
What does Junior want to make for his birthday?
  • a very big cake
  • assorted muffins
  • a lot of pasta
headspeakerTabii kiof course JuniorJunior.
What comes next?
headspeakerMükemmelperfect! Veand bütünall arkadaşlarımlawith my friends bira partiparty istiyorumI want!
  • hiçno patates kızartmasıylawith fries
  • bütünall arkadaşlarımlawith my friends
  • birçoka lot of balıklawith fish
headspeakerAhoh! Evetyes, hepsiniall of them davet etmeliyizwe should invite!
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headspeakerPartininthe party saat kaçtaat what time olmasınıbeing istiyorsundo you want?
speakerEddyEddy telefonunato his phone bakarlooks at.
headspeakerBir dakika wait ocak ayındayızwe are in January. Doğum gününyour birthday mayısta(is) in May!
How did Eddy realize it's not Junior's birthday yet?
  • He looked at his phone.
  • He asked Junior's grandma.
  • He checked Junior's birth certificate.
headspeakerAhoh, biliyorumI know ama but
headspeaker Babadad, yine deeven so bugüntoday çikolatachocolate yiyebilir miyizcan we eat?
headspeakerOluryes JuniorJunior.
It's not Junior's birthday, but he wants to…
  • …go on a trip with his dad.
  • …eat chocolate anyway.
  • …have a party with his friends tonight.
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