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Geri Dönüşüm Önemli!
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speakerGeri Dönüşümrecycling Önemli(is) important!

speakerJuniorJunior okul projesindeon a school project Zari'yeto Zari yardım ederhelps.
headspeakerSanat projemmy art project geri dönüşümlewith recycling ilgili(is) related.
Zari is working on a school project about recycling.
  • Yes, that's right.
  • No, that's wrong.
headspeakerGeri dönüşümrecycling çokvery önemli(is) important!
headspeakerAmabut daha çokmore plastikplastic şişeyebottle ihtiyacım varI need.
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headspeakerSanato you yardım edebilirimI can help!
speakerJuniorJunior gidipleaves and birkaçsome dakikaminutes sonralater geri gelirreturns. Yanındawith him bir sürümany şişebottle getirir(he) brings.
headspeakerÇok teşekkürlerthanks very much, JuniorJunior!
headspeakerBir şey değilyou are welcome. Gezegenithe planet kurtarmanayou saving yardım etmekto help istiyorumI want!
Junior wants to help Zari save
  • the planet.
  • her cat.
  • some money.
speakerEddyEddy varırarrives. Plastikplastic bir şişedenfrom a bottle meyve suyujuice içer(he) drinks.
headspeakerBabadad, senin şişeneto your bottle ihtiyacım varI need.
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speakerJuniorJunior, Eddy'nin şişesiniEddy's bottle alırtakes.
headspeakerJuniorJunior! En sonlast şişe meyve suyummy bottle of juice buthis.
headspeakerBirisomeone diğerthe other şişeleribottles içmişdrank.
speakerJuniorJunior, Eddy'nin meyve suyunuEddy's juice yereto the floor dökerpours veand şişeyithe bottle Zari'yeto Zari verirgives.
Choose the option that means "pours."
Junior, meyve suyunu ve Zari'ye .
headspeakerZariZari, iştehere sanato you birone şişebottle dahamore.
headspeakerJuniorJunior, diğer şişelerdekithat was in the other bottles meyve suyunuthe juice datoo döktün did you pour?
headspeakerEvetyes, banyodain the bathroom bütünall meyve suyunuthe juice döktümI poured out.
headspeakerAma but Nedenwhy?
headspeakerÇünkübecause gezegenithe planet kurtarmanayou saving yardım etmekto help istiyorumI want!
How did Junior get the plastic bottles for Zari's project?
  • He poured out all of Eddy's juice in the bathroom.
  • He asked his neighbors to help him.
  • He got them at the city dump.
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