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Sen Konuşabiliyor musun?
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speakerSenyou Konuşabiliyor musuncan you talk?

speakerLilyLily giyim mağazasındakiat the clothing store işindenfrom her job eveto home dönerreturns.
headspeakerTüm günall day müşterilerincustomers's sorunlarınıproblems duymaktanof hearing bıktımI'm tired.
Lily thinks her job is perfect.
  • No, that's wrong.
  • Yes, that's right.
speakerLilyLily kanepeyeto the sofa otururshe sits veand köpeğiher dog gelircomes.
headspeakerLily Lily Konuşmamızthat we talk gerekis required.
headspeakerBuradain here bazısome şeylerithings değiştirmemizthat we change gerekis required.
Wait what does the dog mean by that?
  • He wants things to be different.
  • He needs to go for a walk.
  • He bought an expensive new watch.
headspeakerSenyou konuşabiliyor musuncan you talk?
Tap what you hear
headspeakerKöpek mamasındanof dog food bıktımI'm tired.
headspeakerHer günevery day bifteksteak istiyorumI want.
headspeakerAnlamıyorumI don't understand.
What comes next?
headspeakerVeand seninyour yatağındaon your bed uyumakto sleep istiyorumI want.
  • seninyour banyondaon your bath
  • seninyour kapındaon your door
  • seninyour yatağındaon your bed
headspeakerSenyou benimmy yastığımdaon my pillow uyuyabilirsinyou can sleep.
headspeakerNewhat?! Hayırno!
Select the missing phrase
headspeakerO zamanthen dışarıdaoutside (question word) uyumakto sleep istiyorsundo you want?
headspeakerAmabut senyou hiçnever dışarıdaoutside uyumuyorsunyou don't sleep!
speakerLilyLily endişeliworried uyanırwakes up, amabut köpeğiher dog yerdeon the floor uyuyorduris sleeping.
speakerLilyLily gülerlaughs.
headspeakerGörünüşe göreit seems işimmy job banato me garipstrange rüyalardreams veriyoris giving!
Lily thought her dog could talk, but
  • she realized it was just a dream.
  • he wanted to keep it a secret.
  • he was only giving her a kiss.
Tap the pairs