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En väldigt stor familj
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speakerEna väldigtvery storbig familjfamily

speakerSalmaSalma kommer attis going to träffameet Anas familjAna's family.
headspeakerAnaAna! Minmy favoritdotterfavorite daughter!
headspeakerHaha, haha, haha, haha Mammamom, duyou har baraonly have enone dotterdaughter!
Ana's mom has many daughters.
  • No, that's wrong.
  • Yes, that's right.
headspeakerDet härthis äris minmy flickvängirlfriend, SalmaSalma.
Choose the option that means "girlfriend."
, .
headspeakerGod morgongood morning!
headspeakerSalmaSalma, dettathis äris minmy brorbrother, TomasTomás!
Tap what you hear
headspeakerOchand detthis häris ärmy mingrandfather farfar.
headspeakerGod morgongood morning.
headspeakerDet härthis äris minmy farfather, ochand det härthis äris minmy brorbrother, JulioJulio!
headspeakerGod morgongood morning! Hejhello!
headspeakerDettathis äris minmy brorbrother, MarioMario, ochand minmy brorbrother, JavierJavier.
headspeakerHejhello, MarioMario. Hejhello, JavierJavier.
Select the missing phrase
headspeakerDu har en väldigt stor familj!
headspeakerMenbut jagI har baraonly have enone dotterdaughter
headspeakerFörlåtsorry! Nunow har jagI have tvåtwo döttrardaughters
headspeakerVälkommenwelcome tillto familjenthe family, SalmaSalma!
headspeakerTackthank you!
Why does Ana's mother say she has two daughters now?
  • She remembered that Ana has a sister.
  • She is welcoming Salma into the family.
  • She had a baby while Salma was there.
Tap the pairs