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speakerButhis Aşklove is it?

speakerÇöpçatanlıkmatchmaking programımızınour show's yeninew bira bölümününits episode's zamanıits time geldicame: "Buthis Aşklove is it?".
speakerEddyEddy, programthe show sırasındaduring birçokmany kadınlawith women tanıştı he met
speaker Amabut şimdinow birinione of them seçmekto choose zorundahe has to!
On a television show, Eddy has to
  • choose a woman to go out with.
  • eat a lot of food.
  • drive really fast.
speakerŞu andain this moment Reyhan'lawith Reyhan konuşuyorhe is talking.
headspeakerSadecejust birone kadınwoman seçmemmy choosing gerektiğineto that it is necessary inanamıyorumI cannot believe. Buthis çokvery stresliis stressful!
headspeakerHayırno, kolayit is easy! BenceI think benime seçmelisinyou should choose.
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headspeakerAmabut buthis zordifficult bira karardecision olacakit will be.
headspeakerAhoh, öyle mireally?!
Select the missing phrase
headspeakerBenime beğendiğinithat you like sanıyordum I thought
headspeakerEvetyes, amabut Medine'yiMedine detoo beğeniyorum I like
headspeakerPekiwell, evetyes, MedineMedine güzelis beautiful.
headspeakerOshe ilginçis interesting veand komikis funny .
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headspeakerVeand çok iyivery well kemanviolin çalıyorshe plays.
headspeakerBiliyorumI know! İkiniz deboth of you müziğimusic seviyorsunuzyou love.
headspeakerEvetyes, birbirimizlewith each other ortakin common çokmany şeylerimizour things var(we) have.
headspeakerEvetyes! İkiniz deboth of you maceraadventure filmlerinimovies veand sanatart müzelerinimuseums seversinizyou like.
headspeakerVeand ikiniz deboth of you şiirpoetry yazarsınızyou write!
headspeakerEvetyes, onun şiiriher poems güzel are beautiful
headspeakerNe yapacağımıwhat to do bilmiyorumI do not know!
headspeakerNewhat yapmanyour doing gerekeceğinithat will be necessary biliyorum I know
headspeakerHemboth Medine'yiMedine hem deand also benime unutforget about. Başka birinisomeone seçelse!choose
Did you catch that? Reyhan doesn't
  • like Medine's poetry.
  • like funny movies.
  • want Eddy to go out with her or Medine.
headspeakerNewhat?! Niçinwhy?
headspeakerÇünkü because Medine'yiMedine seçmekto choose istiyorumI want.
speaker"Buthis Aşklove is it?" programınınof the show bir sonrakithe next bölümünde in the episode MedineMedine newhat diyecekis she going to say?!
What did Reyhan realize?
  • Medine writes terrible poetry.
  • She likes Medine and wants to go out with her.
  • She doesn't like Medine or Eddy.
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