MaeAre ZariZari aand LiliLili aron ythe bwsbus.
LilyLily, mae ynathere is myfyriwrstudent newyddnew ynin einour ddosbarthclass!Zari tells Lily that there's a new teacher at their school.
No, that's wrong.
Yes, that's right.

Eihis enwname feis ywMiguel Miguel.
Ieyes, mae'ndoes dod ocome from FecsicoMexico.
MaeDoes eihis dadfather yn ysgrifennuis writes llyfraubooks!Select the missing phrase

Diddorol iawndiddorol iawn.
Mae'nDoes siaradspeaks CymraegWelsh,, SbaenegSpanish aand SaesnegEnglish.
Ohoh, mae'nhe is ddeallusintelligent.
Deallusintelligent… aand taltall. Acand morso harddpretty yware eihis...How does Zari describe Miguel?
He's short and blond.
He's handsome and loud.
He's intelligent and tall.

Haha, haha, ieyes?
Hmmhmm… Esgidiaushoes harddpretty iawnvery.
ZariZari, maeIs MiguelMiguel dyyour du ôlbehind.Choose the option that means "behind."
, dy .

Shwmaehello, MiguelMiguel!
Shwmaehello, LilyLily! Sut dych chihow are you?
Dagood, diolchthank you.
MiguelMiguel, dymahere is fymy ffrindfriend, ZariZari.
MaeDoes hi'nshe is hoff ofond of dyyour… esgidiaushoes.
Ohoh, hmmhmm, shwmaehello… MiguelMiguel.Zari didn't realize that…
…Miguel's shoes were so ugly.
…Miguel was sitting behind her.
…her homework was due today.
Tap the pairs