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De Tent
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speakerDethe Tenttent

speakerEddyEddy enand zijnhis zoonson JuniorJunior, kamperenare camping inin eena bosforest.
speakerHetit is's nachtnight enand zethey zittenare inin huntheir tenttent.
headspeakerWatwhat vind jedo you think vanabout dezethis tochttrip?
headspeakerIk vind het helemaal niksI hate it!
Junior is not enjoying the camping trip.
  • Yes, that's right.
  • No, that's wrong.
headspeakerVind jeDo you like onzeour nieuwenew tenttent fijn(fijn vinden=to like)? Hijit is's net zo grootas big alsas onsour huishouse!
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headspeakerGeef mij ons huis maarI prefer our house.
headspeakerMaarbut kijk eenslook wat eenwhat fijnewonderful beddenbeds!!
headspeakerIkI kancan hier niet slapen't hoorsleep!here
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headspeakerWewe hebbenhave eena fornuiscooker en eenand a koelkastfridge.
headspeakerMaarBut ikI heb'm helemaal geennot at all hongerhungry.
headspeakerEnand watwhat vind jedo you think vanof hetthe campingbadjecamping pool datthat ikI gekocht hebbought?
headspeakerJayeah,, datthat one vind ik wel erg leukI do like a lot.
headspeakerEnAnd jeyou kuntcan televisie kijkenwatch TV,, naar de radio luisterenlisten to the radio enand zelfseven gamenplay video games!!
Eddy brought…
  • …a TV, a radio, and video games.
  • …a TV, a radio, and video recorder.
  • …a TV, a book, and video games.
headspeakerJayes, jayes, alleseverything isis perfectperfect. Maarbut...
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headspeakerIk snap nietI don't understand watwhat je verder nogelse you nodig hebtneed?
headspeakerPapaDad,, ikI benam bangscared!
headspeakerBangScared?? Maarbut waarwhat benare jeyou danthen bangafraid vanof?
headspeakerIkI wilwant wegto get away bijfrom diethat beerbear daarbuitenout there, hoor je hem nietdon't you hear it?
Why is Junior so nervous?
  • He's feeling cold.
  • There's a bear outside their tent.
  • He misses his friends.
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