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I Want a Dog!

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QueroI want um cãoa dog!

headPapádad, temos dewe have to falar(to) talk.
headQueroI want um cãoa dog
Select the missing phrase
headJuniorJunior, ter um cãoto have a dog éis muitoa lot of trabalhowork!
headPaiDad, por favorplease! Eu souI am muitovery responsávelresponsible.
headAhoh simyes?
headEntãothen, tens deyou have to limpar(to) clean o carrothe car.
Why does Eddy tell Junior to clean the car?
  • Junior needs to drive to his new job.
  • He wants Junior to prove that he's responsible.
  • Junior's dog got the car really dirty.
headEstá bemOK!
head lavar(to) wash a casa de banhothe bathroom...
Tap what you hear
head...Eand lavar(to) wash as janelas!the windows!
lavaras janelas!E
headAhoh, nãono...
Trêsthree horashours depoislater, JuniorJunior terminafinishes de limparcleaning.
Choose the option that means "finishes."
de limpar.
headPaiDad! Olhalook!
headQue bomthat's great! Ésyou are muitovery responsávelresponsible!
What comes next?
headAgoranow podesyou can ter(to) have um cãoa dog!
  • uma casa de banhoa bathroom
  • uma janelaa window
  • um cãoa dog
headNãono obrigadothank you. Não queroI don't want um cãoa dog
headPorquewhy nãonot?
headEstouI am muitovery cansadotired. Não queroI don't want serto be responsávelresponsible!
Junior decided…
  • …he wants a cow instead.
  • …he should adopt four dogs.
  • …he's too tired to take care of a dog.
Tap the pairs