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speakerAnaAna eis enin karocar (taxi).
headspeakerSaluhello, bon diagood morning.
Select the missing phrase
headspeakerSaluhello, miI i neseneed goto go ato aero-potathe airport, favoplease..
headspeakersiit ais nonot vakansaa vacation
Tap what you hear
headspeakerMiI i avehave a biletaa ticket goto MadridMadrid.
headspeakerBonwell duotwo biletaticket.
headspeakerMadridMadrid ais mimy favofavorite siticity! siit eis muivery belabeautiful!
headspeakersiit ais mimy luna-vakansahoneymoon
Why is Ana going to Madrid?
  • She's going on her honeymoon.
  • She is learning how to dance flamenco.
  • She is getting married there.
headspeakerOoh. Tuyour mari-virohusband eis en kewhere??
headspeakerMiI i no avedon't have a mari-virohusband.. MiI i avehave a mui durovery difficult mari-femewife!
headspeakerSishe i no voledoesn't want goto go ato MadridMadrid kon miwith me.
Oh no! Ana's wife…
  • …forgot to pack her sunscreen.
  • …is already in Madrid.
  • …doesn't want to go to Madrid with her.
headspeakerMiI eam muivery melankolisad.
headspeakerAoh soriI'm sorry.
headspeakerBonwell mi-duo ewe (two) are enat aero-potaairport.
speakerFemewoman konwith bagajea suitcase i kuriruns gotowards karothe car (taxi).
Choose the option meaning "runs."
bagaje go .
headspeakerMi eI'm muiso sorisorry!
headspeakerMiI i amo a tulove you.
headspeakerMiI i amo a tulove you antoo.
headspeakerI lase ke mi-alelet's i gogo ato MadridMadrid!
headspeakerI jolienjoy tuyour luna-vakansahoneymoon!
What will happen next?
  • Ana will start her new job at the airport.
  • Ana and the taxi driver will go to Madrid together.
  • Ana and her wife, Salma, will go to Madrid together.
Tap the pairs