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Lebih Banyak Ruang
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speakerLebih BanyakMore RuangSpace

speakerDude, temannya JuniorJunior's friend, sedang berbicarais talking denganwith bapaknyahis father.
headspeakerBapakdad, akuI mauwant kerjato get a job.
Select the missing phrase
headspeakerDude, umurmu masihyou are still delapan tahuneight year old.
headspeakerUntuk apa kamu kerjawhat do you work for?
headspeakerKitawe butuhneed lebih banyakmore uangmoney, Pakdad.
headspeakerNakson, kitawe kan(particle to indicate emphasis) punyahave uangmoney.
headspeakerKitawe butuhneed uangmoney buatto belibuy rumahhouse barunew.
headspeakerRumahhouse inithis terlalutoo kecilsmall.
Choose the option that means "small".
headspeakerDude! Rumah inithis house (is) tidaknot kecilsmall!
headspeakerDanand kitawe butuhneed mobil barua new car.
headspeakerSoalnyabecause punya kitaours (is) kecil bangettoo small.
headspeakerKitawe butuhneed lebih banyakmore ruangspace.
What does Dude mean?
  • His shoes are too small.
  • The family needs a bigger space.
  • He wants to travel far away.
headspeakerLebih banyakmore ruangspace?
headspeakerKitawe butuhneed ruangspace untukfor si bayithe baby, Pakdad!
Choose the option that means "the baby".
butuh , Pak!
headspeakerBayi apawhat baby, sih(particle to indicate doubt)?
headspeakerBayi barunya ibuMom's newborn baby.
headspeakerIbumom?! Bayibaby?!
headspeakerEh, Pakdad. Bapak enggak apa-apaare you okay?
headspeakerKitawe butuhneed rumaha house danand mobil barua new car!
headspeakerKamuyou are enggaknot salahwrong, Dude. Kitawe memang butuhdo need lebih banyakmore ruangspace!
What did Dude tell his father?
  • He is going to quit school.
  • His mother is having a baby.
  • He bought a new house.
Tap the pairs