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Makan Malam Keluarga
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speakerMakan Malam KeluargaA family dinner

speakerLin sedangis berkunjung kevisiting rumah BeaBea's house. Iashe beradais diin dapurthe kitchen.
speakerIashe melihatsees banyaka lot of makananfood danand empatfour botolbottles (of) anggurwine di atason mejaa table.
headspeakerWow! Banyak sekaliso much makanannyafood!
headspeakerYayes. Keluargakumy family akanwill datangcome untukfor makan malamdinner.
Bea's family is coming to her house for breakfast.
  • Yes, that's right.
  • No, that's wrong.
headspeakerOhoh. Boleh cobacan I try kuenyathe cake sedikit sajajust a bit?
headspeakerEnggak bolehyou can't.
Select the missing phrase
headspeakerTapibut, kuenya ada tigathere are three cakes.
headspeakerIyayes, akuI butuhneed tiga-tiganyaall three.
headspeakerOkeokay. Kalau begituif that's the case, boleh mintacan I have anggurnya satu gelasone of them?
headspeakerLin, jangandon't.
What's next?
headspeakerTapibut, anggurnya ada empat botolthere are four bottles of wine.
  • satuone botolbottle
  • duatwo botolbottles
  • empatfour botolbottles
headspeakerAkuI butuhneed semuaall anggur ituthe wine.
headspeakerBoleh cicipcan I taste pizanyathe pizza?
headspeakerOkeokay deh. Pukul berapawhat time is makan malamnyathe dinner?
headspeakerOhoh, makan malamnyathe dinner masihstill pekan depannext week.
Choose the option that means "next".
Oh, .
Tap what you hear
headspeakerInithese semuaall (are) untukforkume.
headspeakerKeluargakumy family (is) susahdifficult sekalivery! AkuI (am) bingungconfused!
headspeakerAkuI butuhneed semua makanan dan anggur iniall these food and wine sekarangnow.
Bea has a very difficult family so...
  • ...she needs all the food and wine for herself.
  • ...she's giving the food to Lin instead.
  • ...she stopped talking to them.
Tap the pairs