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speakerKoirathe dog

speakerEddyEddy jaand JuniorJunior syövät(they) eat puistossaat the park.
headspeakerIsidaddy, haluanI want koirana dog.
Junior and Eddy are eating in a restaurant.
  • No, that's wrong.
  • Yes, that's right.
headspeakerJuniorJunior, koiran omistusowning a dog ei oleis not helppoaeasy.
headspeakerKoirana dog tarvitseeneeds kävelläto walk paljona lot.
headspeakerMinun myösme too!
headspeakerKoirana dog tarvitseeneeds pelatato play paljona lot.
According to Eddy, dogs need…
  • …to wear warm clothes in the winter.
  • …to walk and play a lot.
  • …to talk and drink a lot of water.
headspeakerMinun myösme too!
headspeakerJaand koiran ruokadog food onis kallistaexpensive.
headspeakerKoirathe dog voican syödäeat minunmy ruokanifood!
Choose the option that means "food."
minun !
headspeakerJuniorJunior, missäwhere onis hampurilaisesiyour hamburger?
headspeakerJaand... missäwhere onis omenasiyour apple?
speakerpöydän allaunder the table onis koiraa dog.
headspeakerJuniorJunior? Miksiwhy pöydän allaunder the table onis there koiraa dog?
What does Eddy see under the table?
  • a cat
  • a pizza
  • a dog
headspeakerSeit's onmy ystävänifriend!
Tap what you hear
headspeakerJaand koirathe dog syöis eating hampurilaistasiyour hamburger?
headspeakerJooyes. koiran omistusto have a dog onis tosivery helppoaeasy, isidad!
Why does Junior think taking care of dogs is easy?
  • He's giving a dog his own food.
  • He already has many pet dogs at home.
  • He watches a lot of videos about dogs.
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