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Kahvia, kiitos!
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Kahviaa coffee, kiitosplease!

speakerEddiEddi jaand hänen poikansahis son JuniorJunior ovatare ravintolassaat.a
headspeakerTervehello, EddiEddy. Haluatkodo you want kahviaa coffee?
The woman asks Eddy if he wants a coffee.
  • No, that's wrong.
  • Yes, that's right.
headspeakerJooyes iso kuppi kahviaa big cup of coffee,, kiitosplease.
headspeakerMaidon kanssa vai ilmanwith or without milk?
headspeakerMaidon kanssawith milk, kiitosplease.
headspeakerJaand... Sokerin kanssa vai ilmanwith or without sugar?
headspeakerSokerin kanssawith sugar, kiitosplease.
headspeakerHaluan myösI also want kupin kahviaa cup of coffee!
Junior says that he…
  • …wants coffee too.
  • …wants to go home.
  • …needs to go to the bathroom.
headspeakerJuniorJunior? Haluatkoyou want kahviacoffee?
headspeakerJooyes! HaluanI want kupin (kahvia)a cup (of coffee) maidon kanssawith milk!
headspeaker jaand sokerin kanssawith..sugar
headspeaker jaand jäätelön kanssawith ice cream!
What does Junior want in his coffee?
  • more coffee
  • ice cream
  • a salad and fries
headspeaker...Jäätelön kanssawith ice cream?
headspeakerJooyes! ... Jaand ilman kahviawithout coffee, kiitosplease.
headspeakerAioh you want, haluatkoa milkshake pirtelön?
Choose the option that means "milkshake."
headspeakerJooyes, kiitosplease!
Tap what you hear
headspeakerHaluan myösI also want pirtelöna milkshake!
headspeakerKaksitwo pirtelöämilkshakes, kiitosplease!
Oh, Junior! He ordered coffee…
  • …but Eddy drank it all.
  • …because he wanted to have more energy.
  • …but he really wanted a milkshake.
Tap the pairs