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As flores do Óscar
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As flores do ÓscarÓscar's flowers

O ÓscarÓscar estáis in no seu jardimhis garden eand sees o seu amigohis friend EddyEddy.
headEddyEddy! Eand essathat camisa bonita e elegantepretty and elegant shirt! Tuyou nuncanever vesteswear camisasshirts!
headTenhoI have uma encontrodate!
headEand tensyou have floresflowers ouor chocolateschocolates parafor o teu encontroyour date?
headEheh... Nãono. Eand agoranow eu não tenhoI don't have tempotime para comprarin order to buy qualquer coisaanything! Éit's tardelate!
Eddy bought chocolates and flowers for his date.
  • No, that's wrong.
  • Yes, that's right.
headQueresyou want algumassome of the floresflowers dofrom meumy jardimgarden?
headNãono, obrigadothank you ÓscarÓscar.
Tap what you hear
headGostasyou like destathis mulherwoman?
headSimyes, muitoa lot. Ela éshe is muitovery engraçadafunny.
headEntãothen, levatake estasthese floresflowers.
Óscar really wants Eddy to take…
  • …some clothes.
  • …a bath.
  • …his flowers.
headÓscarÓscar! Eu não queroI don't want as tuas floresyour flowers!
headMasbut... Porquêwhy?
EddyEddy espirrasneezes.
What did Eddy just do?
  • shout
  • sneeze
  • cry
headEddyEddy? Estás bemare you OK?
headNãono! SouI am alérgicoallergic àsto floresflowers!
headEddyEddy... Teusyour olhoseyes estãoare muitovery vermelhosred.
Choose the option that means "eyes."
Eddy... estão muito .
headSinto-meI feel muitovery malbad...
headEheh Disfrutaenjoy do teu encontroyour date!
Poor Eddy! Why does he feel terrible?
  • Óscar doesn't want to date him.
  • He is allergic to flowers.
  • He realized his date is tomorrow.
Tap the pairs