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Ποιος είναι;
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speakerΠοιοςwho είναιis it;

speakerΟ ΑντώνηςAntonis είναιis στοin γραφείο τουhis office. ΜιλάειHe is talking στοon the τηλέφωνοphone μεwith τον φίλο τουhis friend.
headspeaker... Αυτό τοThis σαββατοκύριακοweekend...
Select the missing phrase:
headspeaker... γιαfor ποτόdrinks μεwith φίλουςfriends...
headspeakerΈνα λεπτόHold on a minute. Χτυπάει(it) rings τοthe τηλέφωνο της δουλειάςwork phone.
Form the sentence:
speakerΟ ΑντώνηςAntonis αλλάζειchanges τηλέφωνοphone.
headspeakerΚαλημέραgood morning, ΑντώνηAntonis.
headspeakerΠοιοςwho είναιis it;
headspeakerΜιαa φίληfriend.
headspeakerΣε χρειάζομαιI need you.
headspeakerΔε σας ξέρωI don't know you!
Antonis doesn't know the woman on the phone.
  • Yes, that's true.
  • No, that's false.
headspeakerΕγώI, όμωςhowever, σε ξέρω(I) know you... πολύvery καλάwell! ΚαιAnd έρχομαιI'm coming στοto γραφείο σουyour office!
headspeakerΌχιno! Θα καλέσωI'll call τηνthe αστυνομίαpolice!
Antonis says he's going to...
  • ... end the call because the woman is wasting his time at work.
  • ... be ready for a fight.
  • ... call the police.
headspeakerΑντώνηAntonis, το αφεντικό σουyour boss είμαιI am.
Who is the stranger?
  • Antonis's mother-in-law
  • Antonis's boss
  • Antonis's little cousin
headspeakerΠρέπειYou need to να δουλεύειςbe working! ΜηDon't μιλάςtalk στοon the τηλέφωνοphone μεwith τους φίλους σουyour friends!
headspeakerΟυπςOops! ΣυγγνώμηSorry... ΠίσωBack στηto δουλειάwork!
Antonis's boss called to tell him...
  • he needs to work instead of talking to his friends.
  • he's getting a promotion.
  • he's fired for talking to his friends.
Tap the pairs!