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Den nye eleven
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speakerDenthe nyenew elevenstudent

speakerZariZari ogand LilyLily erare bussenon the bus.
headspeakerLilyLily, det erthere is eina nynew
Zari tells Lily that there's a new teacher at their school.
  • No, that's wrong.
  • Yes, that's right.
headspeakerNamnet hanshis name eris OlavOlav.
headspeakerJayes, hanhe eris fråfrom HaugesundHaugesund.
headspeakerFaren hanshis father skrivwrites bøkerbooks.
Select the missing phrase
headspeakerVeldigvery interessantinteresting.
headspeakerHanhe pratarspeaks norskSpanish, engelskEnglish ogand portugisiskPortuguese.
headspeakerÅoh, hanhe eris smartsmart!
headspeakerSmartsmart.. ogand høgtall.. ogand hanhe eris veldigvery kjekkhandsome
How does Zari describe Miguel?
  • He's short and blond.
  • He's handsome and loud.
  • He's smart and tall.
headspeakerHaha haha, jayes?
headspeakerHmmhmm.. Veldigvery finepretty skorshoes!
headspeakerZariZari, OlavMiguel eris bakbehind degyou.
Choose the option that means "behind."
, deg.
headspeakerHallohello, OlavOlav!
headspeakerHallohello! LilyLily! Korleis går dethow are you?
headspeakerGreitfine, takkthanks.
Tap what you hear
headspeakerOlavMiguel, dettethis eris veninna mimy (girl-) friend, ZariZari.
headspeakerHoshe likerlikes skorne dineyour shoes.
headspeakerÅoh, hmmhmm, hallohello, OlavOlav!
Zari didn't realize that…
  • …Olav's shoes were so ugly.
  • …Olav was sitting behind her.
  • …her homework was due today.
Tap the pairs