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Megmi nobsibkiozy
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speakerMegmia nobsibkiozybig family

speakerSalmaSalma zpeev gvoemiis going muufomeet Ana bkiozyAna's family.
headspeakerAnaAna! LyalI/me miagpkpitzyfavorite child!
headspeakerHaha, haha, haha, haha Tsuagmmom, mfyaniyou mmamyhave myanzeone (number) kpitzydaughter myanzeone (only)!
Ana's mom has many daughters.
  • No, that's wrong.
  • Yes, that's right.
headspeakerMzyasothis zpeevbe lyalI/me blasibaobgirlfriend, SalmaSalma.
Choose the option that means "girlfriend."
lyal , .
headspeakerKdefdenfesgood morning!
headspeakerSalmaSalma, mzyasothis zpeevbe lyalI/me suekybrother, TomásTomás!
Tap what you hear
headspeakerZofoand mzyasothis zpeevbe lyalI/me mvuapagrandfather (father's side) mvuapa.
headspeakerKdefdenfesgood morning.
headspeakerMzyasothis zpeevbe lyalI/me mvuapafather, zofoand mzyasothis zpeevbe lyalI/me suekybrother, JulioJulio!
headspeakerKdefdenfesgood morning! Kdefdegiugahello!
headspeakerMzyasothis zpeevbe lyalI/me suekybrother, MarioMario, zofoand lyalI/me suekybrother, JavierJavier.
headspeakerKdefdegiugahello, MarioMario. Kdefdegiugahello, JavierJavier.
Select the missing phrase
headspeakerMfyaniyou mmamyhave megmia nobsibkiozybig family!
headspeakerLyalI/me mmamyhave myanzeone kpitzychild
headspeakerVyyfd lyalsorry/forgive me! Lyal mmamyI have vyidtwo kpitzyzychildren
Why does Ana's mother say she has two daughters now?
  • She remembered that Ana has a sister.
  • She is welcoming Salma into the family.
  • She had a baby while Salma was there.
Tap the pairs