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Больше места
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speakerБольше местаmore space

headspeakerПапаDad, мне нужноI need работатьto work.
The boy is telling his dad that he needs to work.
  • No, that's not right.
  • Yes, that's true.
headspeakerФёдор, тебеyou are пять летfive years old.
headspeakerТебе не нужноyou don't need работатьto work.
headspeakerНам нужныwe need деньгиmoney.
Fyodor thinks his family needs…
  • friends.
  • food.
  • money.
headspeakerЗачемwhat for?
headspeakerЧтобы купитьin order to buy новый домa new house.
speakerЧтобы купить новый дом.
Click on the option meaning "new."
headspeakerНаш домour house маленькийis small.
headspeakerФёдор! Наш домour house неis not маленькийsmall!
headspeakerНамwe нужнаneed машинаa car.
headspeakerНаша машинаour car маленькаяis small.
headspeakerНам нужноwe need больше местаmore space.
What does Fyodor mean?
  • He really likes their small house.
  • They need more space.
  • They need to eat dinner now.
headspeakerБольше местаmore space?
headspeakerДля ребёнкаfor the baby!
headspeakerРебёнкаthe baby?
Select the missing phrase
headspeakerНу даyeah! Мамаmom же(emphasis) беременнаяis pregnant !
headspeakerМамаmom?! Беременнаяpregnant?!
headspeakerПапаdad……​ у тебя всё в порядкеis everything alright with you?
headspeakerНам нужнаwe need новая машинаa new car…
headspeakerНам нуженwe need новый домa new house!
headspeakerДаyes, нам нужноwe need больше местаmore space!
What did Fyodor tell his father?
  • He bought a new house.
  • He is going to quit school.
  • His mother is having a baby.
Tap the pairs