ZariZari şiand LiliLili suntare în autobuzon the bus.
LiliLili, existăthere is una nounew studentstudent înin clasaclass noastrăour.Zari tells Lili that there's a new teacher at their school.
No, that's wrong.
Yes, that's right.

Îl cheamăhe's called Miguel.
Dayes, ehe is dinfrom MexicMexico.
Tatăl luihis father scriewrites cărţibooks.Select the missing phrase

Foarte interesantvery interesting.
Vorbeştehe speaks spaniolăSpanish, englezăEnglish şiand portughezăPortuguese.
Aaoh, ehe is inteligentintelligent.
Inteligentintelligent… şiand înalttall. Şiand arehe has ochiithe eyes foartevery frumoşipretty...How does Zari describe Miguel?
He's short and blond.
He's handsome and loud.
He's intelligent and tall.

Hahahaha, dayes?
Mmmhmm… arehe has pantofishoes foartevery frumoşipretty.
ZariZari, MiguelMiguel eis în spatelebehind tăuyou.Choose the option that means "behind."
, tău.

Bunăhello, MiguelMiguel!
Bunăhello, LiliLily ce facihow are you?
Binefine, mulţumescthank you.
MiguelMiguel, astathis esteis prietena meamy friend, ZariZari.
Îi placeshe likes pantofii tăiyour shoes.
Aaoh, mmmhmm... bunăhello... MiguelMiguel.Maria didn't realize that…
…Miguel's shoes were so ugly.
…Miguel was sitting behind her.
…her homework was due today.
Tap the pairs