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Can I help you?

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speakerΜπορώ ναcan I σας βοηθήσωhelp you;

speakerΗ ΕλευθερίαEleftheria είναιis στονin the δρόμοstreet. ΒλέπειShe sees ένανa άνδραman μπροστά απόin front of το αυτοκίνητό τουhis car.
Click on the word meaning 'sees'.
Η{ee} Ελευθερία είναι στον δρόμο.
speakerΕίναιhe is αγχωμένοςstressed.
headspeakerΚαλημέραgood morning! Μπορώ ναcan I σας βοηθήσωhelp you;
headspeakerΈχωI have έναa πρόβλημαproblem μεwith το αυτοκίνητό μουmy car. Μπορώ ναCan I χρησιμοποιήσωuse το κινητό σαςyour phone;
speakerΗ ΕλευθερίαEleftheria δίνειgives το κινητό τηςher phone στονto the άνδραman.
Eleftheria won't give the man her phone.
  • Yes, that's true.
  • No, that's false.
headspeakerΝαιyes, αλλάbut...
headspeakerΜε συγχωρείτεExcuse me.
headspeakerΓεια σαςHello! Στο συνεργείο αυτοκινήτωνthe auto repair shop πήραdid I call;
The man is calling...
  • ... his grandmother to wish her a happy birthday.
  • ... the auto repair shop to fix his car
  • ... his friend to ask if he can pick him up.
headspeakerΈχωI have έναa πρόβλημαproblem.
Select the right answer.
headspeakerΧμμhmm... ΌχιNo, δεν ξέρωI don't know πούwhere είμαιI am.
headspeakerΕεεUh... με συγχωρείτεexcuse me.
headspeakerΠούwhere είμαστεare we;
Why did the man ask Eleftheria that question?
  • He doesn't know his location.
  • He doesn't know how to use her phone.
  • He was asking if she could lend him some money to fix the car.
headspeakerΌχιNot μακριάfar απόfrom τοthe συνεργείοrepair shop.
headspeakerΔουλεύωI work στοat the συνεργείοrepair shop. ΕίμαιI'm μηχανικόςa mechanic. ΤελικάSo, μπορώcan I να σας βοηθήσωhelp you;
It turns out that Eleftheria...
  • ... needs her phone back because she needs to go.
  • ... knows that there is a car mechanic strike today.
  • ... works at the repair shop as a mechanic.
Tap the pairs!