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Malam Piza
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speakerMalam Pizapizza night

headspeakerJunior! Kamuyou mauwant makan(to) eat apawhat malam initonight?
headspeakerPizapizza! AkuI kan(emphasis) umurage delapaneight tahunyears (old), akuI selalualways inginwant pizapizza.
headspeakerSempurnaperfect! Ayolet's kitawe membuatmake pizapizza!
What comes next?
headspeakerAtauor kitawe pesanorder pizapizza sajajust!
  • menyanyising bersamatogether
  • belibuy mobilcar
  • pesanorder pizapizza
headspeakerTapibut membuatmaking pizapizza sendiriby oneself ituis lebihmore asyikfun lo!
Select the missing phrase
headspeakerBuatfor Ayah(dad) you, kalimaybe?
headspeakerBuatfor kitaus semuaall! Ayahfather danand anakson!
headspeakerYa sudahlahokay, fine. Sekarangnow akuI harusshould apa(do) what?
headspeakerOke! Kamuyou ambilkanfetch tepungflour, airwater, danand garamsalt, ya(request)?
headspeakerSekarangnow kitawe campurmix semuanyaeverything.
speakerEdi danand Junior mencampurkanmix tepungflour, airwater, danand garamsalt.
Wait… what are Edi and Junior mixing?
  • flour, water, and salt
  • salt, butter and sugar
  • tomatoes, water, and oil
headspeakerAduhoh my, inithis susahhard sekalivery, akuI sudahalready laparhungry.
headspeakerNahwell, sekarangnow kitawe menungguwait.
headspeakerKitawe harushave to menungguwait?!
headspeakerAdonannyathe dough belumnot yet siapready.
Choose the option that means "dough."
headspeakerTerusthen kapanwhen siapnya(will it be) ready?
headspeakerDuatwo jamhours lagimore.
speakerJunior melihatlooks at Edi.
headspeakerAyah(dad) I akanwill belibuy pizapizza sekarangnow.
headspeakerAyah(dad) you memangindeed yang paling hebatthe best seduniain the world!
Why did Edi decide to buy a pizza?
  • Junior ate all the dough.
  • Making a pizza takes too long.
  • He didn't have the right ingredients.
Tap the pairs