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jan pi pona mute
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speakerjanperson pi pona muteperfect

speakerjan PejaBea enand jan EsiEddy liare lonat tomo moku(the) restaurant.
headspeakertokihello, jan PejaBea o!
headspeakersina pilin semehow are you, jan EsiEddy o?
headspeakeraah tenpo pimeja ni latonight miI kama sona e jan olin sinhave (a) date.
Select the missing phrase
headspeakerponayes, tasobut miI pilin ikefeel sick.
headspeakerike aoh no!!
headspeakermiI wile lape mute(am) very tired.
Eddy feels great.
  • No, that's wrong.
  • Yes, that's right.
Tap what you hear
headspeakersinayou wileshould tawago to jan pi sona sijelo(a) doctor!
headspeakeralano, sijelobody mimy li pona(is) fine.
headspeakertenpo pimeja ni latonight miI tawago tenpo olinto!(a) date
headspeakersinayou wile aladon't have to tawago (to) tenpo olin(the) date.
headspeakermiI sonaknow e(the) perfect person jan pi pona mutefor tawayou sina.
Did you catch that? Bea thinks Eddy should…
  • …forget his date's name.
  • …meet someone else instead of his date.
  • …be on time for his date.
headspeakerpilinfeeling sinayour nithis li wawa ala wawaconfident (question)?
headspeakerwawayes, onashe liis sulitall.
headspeakerli sona mutevery smart
headspeakeronashe li musi ala musifunny (question)?
headspeakeronashe liis musifunny mutevery.
Select the missing phrase
headspeakeronashe liis pona muteperfect!
headspeakernimi onaher name liis semewhat?
headspeakerjan Ali pi sona sijelodoctor Ali.
headspeakertenpo ni lanow sinayou wilehave (to) tawago (to) tomo pali onaher office
headspeakertan nibecause: sinayou pilinfeel ike mutevery sick!
Bea thinks the perfect person for Eddy is…
  • …a guy she met online.
  • …a doctor to help him get well.
  • …a woman he likes on TV.
Tap the pairs