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Ang Una Kong Larawan
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speakerAng Una Kongmy first Larawanpainting

speakerPumuntagoes si Eddy(does) Eddy sa apartmentto apartment ni Oscarof Oscar.
speakerMay dalangcarrying larawan(a) painting si Eddy(is) Eddy.
headspeakerAnowhat iyan(is) that, EddyEddy?
headspeakerAng una kong(it's) my first larawangpainting pinintapainted!
headspeakerTingnan mo(you) look.
Eddy wants to paint a picture of Oscar.
  • No, that's wrong.
  • Yes, that's right.
headspeakerPerobut guroteacher ka(are) you sa siningin art.
headspeakerOoyes, atand napakamapagtapatvery honest ako(am) I.
headspeakerGustoliked ko(by) me nuonthat.
headspeakerIiyakgoing to cry ka(are) you safrom mga puna komy criticisms.
Choose the option that means "going to cry."
mga ko.
headspeakerPerobut gustowant ko(by) me malamanto know ang pananaw moyour opinion tungkol saabout larawan komy painting.
headspeakerHindinot siya(is) it magandagood.
headspeakerPerobut hindinot mo(by) you payet nakikitaseen, paanohow mo(by) you alamknown?
What comes next?
headspeakerHindinot ka(are) you alagad ng sining(an) artist, atand...first
  • ...unangfirst larawanpainting mo(of) yours pa langonly ito(is) this.
  • ...hindinot rinalso ako(am) I guro(a) teacher sain siningArt.
  • ...larawan komy painting ang dala mo(is) what you brought.
headspeaker...unangfirst larawanpainting mo(of) yours pa langonly ito(is) this.
headspeakerLaging hindinever magagandagood ang mga unang(are) first larawanpaintings.
headspeakerTingnan molook at it naalready.
headspeakerSige nacome on, OscarOscar.
headspeakerSige na ngaOK fine, ang kulitso stubborn mo(of) you, EddyEddy.
Tap what you hear
speakerTiningnanlooked at ni Oscar(by) Oscar ang larawan(was) the painting ni Eddyof Eddy.
headspeakerEddyEddy, ang larawang itothis painting ay(is)
headspeaker... Napakagandavery good.
headspeakerAyoh! Ang galinggreat! Henyogenious palait turns out ako(am) I sain siningart!
headspeakerOoyes, ngayonnow umalis ka(you) leave naalready.
Why was Oscar so surprised?
  • Eddy only paints with his feet.
  • He thought first paintings were never good.
  • Eddy has always been a bad painter.
Tap the pairs