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Un nov sport
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speakerUna novnew sportsport

speakerEddyEddy eand JuniorJunior esare inin una butícastore.
headspeakerTu voleyou want practicarto play una novnew sportsport? Bonissimgreat!
headspeakerVole tuyou want luderto play basketballebasketball?
Select the missing phrase
headspeakerYo ne amaI don't like sportes con ballessports with balls.
headspeakerTi-cithis rácket de ténnistennis racket esis trevery bellpretty!
What comes next?
headspeakerTu besonayou need una balleball porin order luder ténnisto
  • basketballebasketball
  • luderto play ténnistennis
  • una butícastore
headspeakerAhoh, yesyes. Mmmhmm... Quowhat tu posse practicaryou can play?
headspeakerYoI volewant...
headspeakerSvimmarto swim! Tu voleyou want svimmarto swim?
Tap what you hear
headspeakerMabut it esit's una sportsport sin balleswithout balls.
headspeakerPapádad, nono!
headspeakerBonwell, quowhat tu voleyou want farto do?
speakerJuniorJunior videlooks at quelcsome sapates de balletteballet shoes.
Oh! It seems like Junior wants to…
  • …try dancing.
  • …play football.
  • …go for a swim.
headspeakerYoI volewant dansarto dance.
headspeakerTu voleyou want dansarto dance?
headspeakerYesyes Esit's una problemaproblem?
headNono! Anc dansar esdancing is also una sportsport!
speakerEddyEddy comensastarts dansarto dance inin lithe butícastore.
headspeakerPapádad, cessa dansarstop dancing, plesplease.
Junior wants his dad to stop...
  • …dancing.
  • …singing.
  • …buying stuff.
Tap the pairs