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o tawa tomo-awen a
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speakero tawatowards tomo-awenstation a!

speakerjan[olinsinaopenkenanteÓscar] li kepekenuses tomo-tawataxi
speakerjan pona onahis frjend [lapeinsanasaLin] li lawadrives e tomo-tawacar
Lin is driving the taxi that Oscar just got into.
  • Yes, that's right.
  • No, that's wrong.
headspeakerjan[lapeinsanasaLin] o
sina lawa ala lawado you drive e tomo-tawacar
drive (yes)
nithis li pali manijob mime sinnew!
Choose the option that means "job."

li mi !
headspeakersinayou wilewant to tawago to semewhat
headspeakermiI wilewant to tawago to tomo-awenthe station
headspeakertomo awenstation liis lonlocated at semewhat
headspeakermiI sonaknow alanot
Óscar doesn't know…
  • …who Lin is.
  • …how to swim.
  • …where the station is.
headspeakerike alanot a problem
speakerjan[lapeinsanasaLin] li openbegins e tawadriving
Lin starts…
  • …singing.
  • …driving.
  • …crying.
headspeakermiwe kamaarrive lonlocated at tomo awenstation
headspeakerjan[lapeinsanasaLin] o
nithis li tomo-awen ala
is not the station
nithis liis a school tomo sona
speakerjan[lapeinsanasaLin] li openbegins e tawadriving
headspeakermiwe lonlocated at tomo awenstation
headspeakerjan[lapeinsanasaLin] o
headspeakersinayou tokisay e semewhat??
Tap what you hear
headspeakernithis li tomo sijelois a hospital
speakerjan[lapeinsanasaLin] li openbegins again sin edriving tawa.
headspeakermiwe lonare located at tomo awenthe station
headspeakerjan[lapeinsanasaLin] o, nithis li tomo-awen alais not the station.
headspeakermiI sona
nithis liis house tomomine mi
headspeakermiI wile aladon't want to lawadrive e tomo-tawathe car
headspeakernithis li pali maniis a job pi(ike mute)
speakerjan[lapeinsanasaLin] li openopens e lupadoor pi(tomo tawa)of
headspeakerlape ponagood night,, jan[olinsinaopenkenante] oÓscar!
Oh no! Why did Lin decide to go home?
  • She thinks driving a taxi is too difficult.
  • She needed to pick up another passenger.
  • She forgot to bring her lunch.
Tap the pairs