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Dē Itinere Nuptiālī
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speakerabout Itinere Nuptiālīhoneymoon

speakerHannaHanna estis inin raedā meritōriāa taxi.
Select the missing phrase
headspeakerSalvēhello, me ad āeroportumto the airport addūcās(that) you take obsecrōI ask.
headspeakerSuntne tibiDo you have fēriae(a) vacation?
Tap what you hear
headspeakerHabeōI have tesserama ticket Matrītamto Madrid.
headspeakerVelOr potiusrather duāstwo tesserāstickets.
headspeakerMatrītaMadrid māximēmost greatly mihi placetI like! PulcherrimaSo beautiful estit is!
headspeakerEstit's iter meum nuptiālemy honeymoon...
Why is Ana going to Madrid?
  • She's going on her honeymoon.
  • She is learning how to dance flamenco.
  • She is getting married there.
headspeakerAhoh. Ubiwhere estis marītushusband tuusyour?
headspeakerNōnNot marītum(a) husband,, sedbut uxōrem(a) wife habeōI have valdēvery difficilemdifficult!
headspeakerNōn vult(she) doesn't want mēcumwith me Matrītam(to) Madrid īreto go.
Oh no! Ana's wife…
  • …forgot to pack her sunscreen.
  • …is already in Madrid.
  • …doesn't want to go to Madrid with her.
headspeakerAdmodumVery trīstissad sumI am.
headspeakerAhoh invītus audiōI'm sorry to hear that.
headspeakerEcceThere, jamalready adto āeroportum(the) airport pervēnimuswe've arrived.
speakerMulierWoman quaedam(a) certain cumwith sarcinīsluggage adversustowards raedamthe car curritruns
Choose the option meaning "runs."
sarcinīs adversus
headspeakerQuisWho accurritis running up? SalmaSalma?!
headspeakerMihi ignōsceForgive me quaesōplease!!
headspeaker amōI love you, HannaHanna!
headspeakerYou quoquetoo,, ita diī bene amentas heaven is my witness,, amōI love!!
headspeakerMatrītam(to) Madrid eāmuslet's go!
headspeakerIterJourney laetumhappy vōbīsfor you exoptōI wish!
What will happen next?
  • Ana will start her new job at the airport.
  • Ana and the taxi driver will go to Madrid together.
  • Ana and her wife, Salma, will go to Madrid together.
Tap the pairs