SalmaSalma cognātōs(the) relatives Annaeof Anna notūra estis going to get to know.
AnnaAnna meamy (dear)! FīliaDaughter mihito me interamong omnēsall cārissimadearest!!
Hahahaehahaha… Mammamom, tibi estyou have ūnaone fīliadaughter tantumonly!Anna's mom has many daughters.
No, that's wrong.
Yes, that's right.

Haecthis estis amīcagirlfriend meamy, SalmaSalma.Choose the option that means "girlfriend."
, .

Salva sīsmay you be well!
SalmaSalma, hicthis estis frāterbrother meusmy, ThōmāsTomás!
Atqueand hicthis estis avusgrandfather meusmy.
VolupPleasure estit is tēyou cognōvisseto have met.
Hicthis estis pater(my) father, etand hicthis estis frāter(my) brother, JūliusJulio!
HīqueAnd these suntare frātrēs(my) brothers MariusMario etand XaveriusJavier.
HaveHail, MarīMario Xaverīqueand JavierSelect the missing phrase

Est tibiyou have familia valdē magna(a) very big family!
Tamenyet ūnamone tantumonly fīliamdaughter habeōI have
Ignōsciteforgive (me)! Jamnow duāstwo habeōI have fīliāsdaughters…
NostraeOf our jamalready tēyou suscipimuswe acknowledge (as) familiaeof family, SalmaSalma!
Grātiās habeō vōbīsthank you all!Why does Ana's mother say she has two daughters now?
She remembered that Ana has a sister.
She is welcoming Salma into the family.
She had a baby while Salma was there.
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