Zari dheand Lili janëare nëon autobusthe bus.
Lili, kathere is njëa studentstudent të rinew nëin klasënclass tonëour!Zari tells Lili that there's a new teacher at their school.
No, that's wrong.
Yes, that's right.

Ai quhethis name is Mikael.
Poyes, ështëhe is ngafrom MeksikaMexico.
Babaifather i tijhis ështëis shkrimtara writer!Select the missing phrase

Shumë interesantevery interesting.
Flethe speaks spanjishtSpanish, anglishtEnglish dheand shqipAlbanian.
Ahoh, ështëhe is i zgjuarintelligent.
I zgjuarintelligent… dheand i gjatëtall. Dheand i kahe has shumëvery të bukurapretty…How does Zari describe Mikael?
He's short and blond.
He's handsome and loud.
He's intelligent and tall.

Haha, haha, poyes?
Mmmhmm… Këpucëtshoes shumëvery të bukurapretty.
Zari, Mikael ështëis pasbehind tejeyou.Choose the option that means "behind."
, teje.

Çkemihello, Mikael!
Çkemihello, Lili! Si jehow are you?
Mirëfine, faleminderitthank you.
Mikael, kjothis ështëis shoqja imemy friend, Zari.
Ajo i pëlqenshe likes këpucëtshoes e tuayour.
Ahoh, mmmhmm, Përshëndetjehello… Mikael.Zari didn't realize that…
…Mikael's shoes were so ugly.
…Mikael was sitting behind her.
…her homework was due today.
Tap the pairs