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Veshje për pushimet e mia
title image

speakerVeshjeclothes përfor pushimetvacation e miamy

speakerLucy ështëis at njëa dyqanstore.
headspeakerPërshëndetjehello, a keni nevojë përdo you need ndihmëhelp?
headspeakerPoyes, kam nevojë përI need rrobaclothes rejanew përfor pushimetvacation e miamy.
Lucy is shopping for clothes for a vacation.
  • No, that's wrong.
  • Yes, that's right.
headspeaker rregullOK.
headspeakerKam nevojë përI need njëa fustandress.
speakerLilyLily kërkon përlooks for njëa fustan jeshilgreen dress.
Lily is getting a…
  • …green dress.
  • …red dress.
  • …green hat.
headspeakerJono, duaI want njëa fustan kuqred dress!
speakerLilyLily kërkon përlooks for njëa fustan kuqred dress.
headspeakerDheand duaI want njëa xhaketëjacket.
Tap what you hear
speakerLilyLily kërkon përlooks for njëa xhaketë kuqered jacket.
headspeakerJono, duaI want njëa xhaketë kafebrown jacket!
headspeaker rregullOK
headspeakerNjëa fustan kuqred dress, njëa xhaketë kafebrown jacket
Select the missing phrase
headspeakerDhe një kapelëand a hat!
speakerLiliLily kërkon përlooks for njëa kapelë blublue hat.
headspeakerJono, duaI want njëa kapelë grigray hat!
speakerLiliLily kërkon përlooks for njëa kapelë grigray hat.
headspeakerFaleminderitthank you! JamI am e gatshmeready përfor pushimetvacation e miamy!
Choose the option meaning "ready."
! pushimet e mia!
headspeakerTaninow duhetI need pushim(a) vacation.
Poor Lili! Why does she need a vacation?
  • She ate too much for lunch.
  • She's tired after helping Lucy find clothes.
  • She wants to buy new clothes to wear.
Tap the pairs