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speakerСобакаThe dog

speakerЕддіEddy таand ЄвгенJunior їдятьare eating вat паркуthe park..
headspeakerТатуDad,, я хочуI want собакуa dog..
Junior and Eddy are eating in a restaurant.
  • No, that's wrong.
  • Yes, that's right.
headspeakerЄвгенеJunior,, матиto have собакуa dog -is непростоnot easy..
headspeakerСобакаA dog маєneeds багато гулятиto walk a lot..
headspeakerЯ тежMe too!!
headspeakerСобакаA dog маєneeds багатоto play гратисяa lot..
According to Eddy, dogs need…
  • …to wear warm clothes in the winter.
  • …to walk and play a lot.
  • …to talk and drink a lot of water.
headspeakerЯ тежMe too!!
headspeakerІAnd,, собача їжаdog food -is дорогаexpensive..
headspeakerСобакаThe dog можеcan їстиeat моюmy їжуfood!!
Choose the option that means "can."
мою !
headspeakerЄвгенеJunior,, деwhere is твій гамбургерyour hamburger??
headspeakerІAnd... деwhere is твоє яблукоyour apple??
speakerПідUnder столомthe table собакаthere is a dog..
headspeakerЄвгенеJunior?? ЧомуWhy підunder столомthe table собакаthere is a dog??
What does Eddy see under the table?
  • a cat
  • a pizza
  • a dog
headspeakerЦеIt's мійmy другfriend!!
Tap what you hear
headspeakerСобакаThe dog їстьhas твій гамбургерyour hamburger??
headspeakerТакYes... МатиTo have собакуa dog цеis дужеvery легкоeasy,, татуdad..
Why does Junior think taking care of dogs is easy?
  • He's giving a dog his own food.
  • He already has many pet dogs at home.
  • He watches a lot of videos about dogs.
Tap the pairs