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Кто это?
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speakerКтоwho этоis this?

speakerЛеони́д в своём кабине́теin his office.
speakerОнhe разгова́риваетis speaking по телефо́нуon the phone со свои́м дру́гомwith his friend.
headspeakerВ эти выходны́еthis weekend…
headspeakerМыwe собира́емсяare going с друзья́миwith friends…
headspeakerПодожди́wait мину́ткуa little minute. Мой рабо́чий телефо́нmy work phone звони́тis ringing иand звони́тringing.
While Luis is talking to his friend, his office phone rings.
  • No, that's not right.
  • Yes, that's true.
headspeakerДо́брый деньgood day, Леони̜́д!
headspeakerКто этоwho is this?
headspeakerПодру́гаa friend (f).
headspeakerТы мнеto me помо́жешь(+ты) will you help? Мне нужна́I need твоя́your по́мощьhelp.
headspeakerЧтоwhat Выyou хоти́теwant? ЯI Васyou не знаюdon't know!
Leonid doesn't know the woman on the phone.
  • Yes, that's true.
  • No, that's not right.
headspeakerАbut яI, я тебя́you зна́ю(+я) I know...
headspeakerЯI зна́юknow тебя́you о́ченьvery хорошо́well!
headspeakerИand сейча́сnow яI иду́am going вto твойyour кабине́тoffice!
headspeakerО, нетno! ЯI сейча́сnow вы́зовуwill call поли́циюthe police!
Leonid says he's going to…
  • leave his office.
  • call the police.
  • hide from the police.
headspeakerЛеони́д, не на́доnot needed поли́цииfor the police. ЯI am твоя́your нача́льницаboss (f).
Who is the stranger?
  • Leonid's mother.
  • Leonid's friend from college.
  • Leonid's boss.
headspeakerТыyou до́лженhave to рабо́татьto work!
headspeakerХва́титenough разгова́риватьto speak с друзья́миwith friends по телефо́нуon the phone!
headspeakerОй! Прошу́ проще́ния(I) ask for forgiveness [sorry]……​ Возвраща́емсяlet's get back к рабо́теto work!
Leonid's boss called to tell him...
  • he's getting a promotion.
  • he's fired for talking to his friends.
  • he needs to work instead of talking to his friends.
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