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Я могу Вам помочь?
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speakerЯ могуMay I Вам помочьhelp you?

speakerЛена на улицеis in the street.
speakerОнаShe видитsees мужчинуa man передin front of машинойa car.
Click on the option meaning “sees.
перед машиной.
speakerОнHe взволнованis stressed.
headspeakerЗдравствуйтеHello! Я могуMay I Вам помочьhelp you?
headspeakerУI меняhave проблемаa problem сwith машинойthe car.
headspeakerМогу я воспользоваться Вашим телефономMay I use your phone, пожалуйстаplease?
speakerЛена даётgives свойher телефонphone to Максиму.
Lena won't give Maxim her phone.
  • Yes, that's true.
  • No, that's not right.
headspeakerДаYes, ноbut...
headspeakerИзвинитеExcuse me.
headspeakerЗдравствуйтеHello! ЭтоIs this автосервисthe auto repair shop?
Maxim is calling...
  • his wife because he is late for dinner.
  • his friend because he needs a ride home.
  • an auto repair shop because he has a car problem.
headspeakerУ меняI have проблемаa problem.
Select the missing phrase
headspeakerНетNo, яI неdon't знаюknow гдеwhere яI am.
headspeakerЭэ…​ ИзвинитеExcuse me.
headspeakerГдеWhere мыare we?
Why did Maxim ask Lena that question?
  • He doesn't know how to use her phone.
  • He doesn't know the number for the auto repair shop.
  • He doesn't know where he is.
headspeakerНедалекоNot far от автосервисаfrom the auto repair shop.
headspeakerЯI работаюwork в автомастерскойat the auto repair shop.
headspeakerЯI am автомеханикa mechanic!
headspeakerТакSo, я могуMay I Вам помочьhelp you?
It turns out that Lena...
  • ... works at the auto repair shop as a mechanic.
  • ... doesn't know where they are.
  • ... needs help to buy a new phone.
Tap the pairs