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De Fegetariër
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speakerDeThe Fegetariërvegetarian

speakerLieuweLieuwe lêst(he/she/it) reads itthe menumenu ynin ina hielvery kreaspretty restaurantrestaurant.
headspeakerGoeiejûnGood evening!
headspeakerIk haI have ina fraachquestion.
headspeakerIk binI am fegetariëra vegetarian.
headspeakerHa jimDo you have (plural) fegetaryskvegetarian itenfood?
Lieuwe wants to know if they serve vegetarian food.
  • No, that's wrong.
  • Yes, that's right.
headspeakerJaYes, wy hawwewe have in pearsome hielevery goedegood broadsjes fleismeat sandwiches.
headspeakerBroadsjes fleisMeat sandwiches? Ik binI am fegetariëra vegetarian.
headspeakerOhOh, jayes... It spyt myI'm sorry.
headspeakerWe hawweWe have ina hearlikedelicious pykchicken.
According to the waiter, their chicken is…
  • …not very tasty.
  • …gluten free.
  • …delicious.
headspeakerPykChicken isis fleismeat.
Tap what you hear
headspeakerEnAnd ikI yt gjindon't eat fleismeat!
headspeakerWe hawweWe have saladessalads
headspeakerOhOh, ik fynik fyn lekker = I like saladessalads lekkerdelicious!
Lieuwe likes…
  • …the waiter.
  • …salads.
  • …lots of meat.
headspeakerDer isThere is ina saladesalad meiwith tomaattomato, tsiischeese, salmsalmon
headspeakerIk yt gjinI don't eat salmsalmon! Ik binI am fegetariëra vegetarian!
headspeakerWy hawweWe have patatfries
headspeakerBêstAlright, patatfries.
What food did Lieuwe order in the end?
  • fries
  • chicken
  • salmon
headspeakerPatatFries perfektperfect. EnAnd ina hamburgerhamburger?
headspeakerIk yt gjinI don't eat fleismeat!
Why is Lieuwe so upset?
  • He's tired of being a vegetarian.
  • The waiter kept offering him meat.
  • The waiter spilled coffee on him.
Tap the pairs